1996 - 2000 Mario Romagnolis Studio
Workshop, later named Laboratorium,
produces its world-famous hand-glazed wristwatch dials for TusciarT
- Italy. It also produces, again for TusciarT
Italy, a series of fine, hand-painted pieces with the same
decoration as the watches, consisting of ceramic watch-cases, spice-jars
and plates, all inspired by antique Mediaeval and Renaissance art.
1998 Mario Romagnoli features in a Japanese magazine
the "Duca Farnese" range of watches distributed by
TusciarT and distinguished by their hand-inscribed, hand-glazed
dials using four different shades of glaze.
1999 Laboratorium
exhibits at the Osaka Expo, Japan, with the series
"Fresco Fragments" on canvas. |
2000 Exhibited at the national exhibition
"Jubilee 2000" at the EUR Exhibition
Centre, Rome, with ceramics and frescoes on the theme "Jubilee".
April 2001 Laboratorium
inaugurates its new Showroom in Viterbo, at 13 Piazza della
Rocca, and at the same time displays its reproductions
of traditional wine-flagons from the mediaeval and Renaissance periods
at the Bacchus Exhibition (Mostra Bacco)
by the Viterbo 2000 Association. |
May 2001 for the Museo Diocesano
in Montalcino an exclusive series of reproductions faithful
to the original ceramics discovered in the Town Hall,
which are still on show at the Museum, together with the fresco
fragments of Lorenzettis "Good Government"
and Simone Martinis "Majesty",
currently on sale along with the ceramics at the Museum
Bookshop in Montalcino. |
July 2001 Copy of an important plate, the original
of which was found in the Rocca Farnese at Valentano
and which is now housed in the municipal museum
inside the Rocca Farnese. It shows the combined coats of arms
of Pier Luigi Farnese, the son of Pope
Paul III, and Gerolama Orsini of Pitigliano
and marks the occasion of the famous wedding celebrated at Valentano
in 1519 in San Giovanni cathedral.
A plate created for the City of Piansano
Pageantry and Flag-Throwing Troupe to commemorate their
participation in the 2nd National Historic Choreography
Championships in the City of Florence.
They won third place. |
A new Showroom is shortly to be inaugurated in the historic centre
of Florence. |